Sunday, November 16, 2008

My fav people in our new book: Despair in a Song

Sharpii: Yes, those 4 girls are the same person. the green one is how she looks in spring, the brown in how she looks in fall, the red is in summer, and the blue is in winter. she's a season mage so her appearence alters every season.

Jeb & Josh: Dog Sleeping Twins.

p.s. click on the pics 4 a larger view


Rose Mary said...

i <3 jeb and josh.

Hoshi said...

are they Alexia's or just characters?

Reagan said...

Just characters. I love the season mage! She's soooooooooooo cute in every season!

Emma Claire said...

interesting..i wish i could change colors w/ the seasons...then it'd be like...i was a season.....which is weird i guess but still totally cool!

Unknown said...

very cool.