Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm sorry!

I promise I do have the beginning of that story written I swear I just need time to type it it's sitting in my bag right now but I'm at school not a home so yeah sorry guys I'll get it done soon!!!!!


Canis said...

So, You guys post stories on this blog. If so.............COOLIO!!!!

Canis said...

Could I join?

Decemberflower said...


Rose Mary said...

it's fine, ade. and how have you not known this, canis?!

Decemberflower said...

we've had this blog for a long time. and sure you can join. but i'm not gonna be the one to do it. i'm too lazy.

Skye said...

Okay. I don't know which blog you're on adeen so I'm going to comment on all of them.

About your comment on Fly On, you're the one who needs to "cool it" !

Give X a break ! She's just trying to help me !

I've been posting comments on Fly On for almost every day for about a year, asking them to answer questions.

I only posted about 5 questions.

They even named me in a post 2 months ago saying they'd answer some questions !

I'm also under a load of stress with school and heaps of other things at the moment so give me a break !!!

I'd never give out about someone like you did on Fly On ! So just stop it and give X and I a break ! What did we ever do to you to make you comment about us like that ?!

Don't fly on forever !

The Girl Who Could Fly

Rose Mary said...

um... what was that about?

Decemberflower said...

i think adeen insulted her on her blog. i'll check

Decemberflower said...

no, adeen isulted her and X on a blog she goes on a lot. it's sad, it wasn't even insulting and yet girl who could fly still lost it and came on adeen's blog to chew her out. sad. very sad.

Rose Mary said...

what'd she say?

Decemberflower said...

adeen? she told fang to find Girl who could fly and X and shut them up. that's pretty much it.

Rose Mary said...

um... weird. and it's X and me.

Decemberflower said...

why would i put X and me if i wasn't talking 'bout me?

Hoshi said...

Basically she was chewing Fang and them out for not answering her questions since she's been so LOYAL for almost a year commenting every freaking DAY. she justw ants her stupid questions answered and it made me mad because she was so b*tchy. so I just told her and X to cool it and she got pissed and decided to come chew me out. And yeah, Canis, how did you miss this?

Rose Mary said...

I meant in her post. not yours.

and she's lame.

Decemberflower said...

i know. but i dropped it so can we please not talk 'bout this?