I walked down the quiet hall of school. Quiet?! Yeah, right. More like the hall of shouts and yelling. Also it was so crowded i had to shoulder my way through, trying not to drop the two books i held clutched to me. i was finally able to to reach the blue lockers on the sie of the hall. Locker #23, how does Fantasy make it there every day?
Easy, i guess. she walked over with ease and started opening the locker. "Dude..." i said "how do you do that?" She looked at me with a confused look.
"What?" she asked "open my locker?"
"No, no, no." i said, shaking my head, "i meant get here without being trampled by preps and cheerleaders?" she giggled and jerked her locker open.
"I trample them first." she joked.
that's all i'm going to show right now, i have two and a half more pages of that story but i'm good for any opinons on what is shown right now...
*twitch* *twitch*
what?! it wasn't good...?
yes. that's the problem.
hahaha! wee! i knew i could write a bad story! i knew it! *victory dance*
i said i knew i could write a bad story
yeah. I got that.
but i guess i can't...
you probably could u just shouldn't do a fiction story. Do a text book style one. and, if i may just point out, someone finds almost everything interesting, if you get my meaning.
no i don't but this one isn't a fantasy or Sy-fi (or is that Si-Fy???). it's normal
it's sci-fi. and do a story about something you don't like. something that's boring to you.
but i could make something boring exciting by accident!
yo guys im on now
hi, um, whoever you are. I should probably know, huh?
Check under permissions. it show u.
and stop using names!
zizi its me cici man i feel so loved right now lol
YES! i knew it was C.C. !!!!
so did i. u could've just looked @ her email address.
so i cant remember but what do we do in this blog again?
i don't look at profiles, also, we tell about our stories/songs/anything, or put up random peices of them for people to say whether or not they're good and give advice to how it'll be better and stuff
ok cool. :)
yep, that's it
wow, 24 comments, we need a new post. you wanna do it Out_of_this_world?
sure i'll just put up one of my poems
nevermind i cant find them. oh we should get kyky on this you know her new book and all that is freakin awsome
nope, too long. just put up some random story thing or whatever
p.s. Out_Of_This_World nice pic
thanks jin and ill think of something if i do ill try to post it tomorrow
good thing too, this post has 31 comments including this one
who's kyky?
Kyky is short for...think about it. i'll just tell you, IT'S CALIBER!!!!!! DUH!
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